Monday, July 11, 2005

The Hebrew Mind vs� The Western Mind

The Hebrew Mind vs� The Western Mind: "In the table that follows, we compare the Hebraic mode of thinking with the Western, Hellenistic mode in a variety of categories"

"To try to distill the Bible, which is bursting with life, drama, and tension, to a series of principles would be like trying to reduce a living person to a diagram" – God in Search of Man by Abraham Heschel, p. 20.

"To the Jewish mind, the understanding of God is not achieved by referring to a Greek way to timeless qualities of Supreme Being, to ideas of goodness and perfection, but rather by sensing the living acts of His concern, to His dynamic attentiveness to man. We speak not of His goodness in general but of His compassion for the individual man in a particular situation" (Heschel, p. 21).

-- To know Him (it is an intimate knowing) ... to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength...


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