Who is Worthy?
Revelation 5:
Who is Worthy?
by Chip Brogden
"God the Father has appointed Jesus Christ to occupy a position that is unrivaled, unparalleled, unequaled, and unsurpassed. As long as Christ is in this place of preeminence then everything can proceed. Without Him it all grinds to a halt. There is no revelation, no progression in spiritual things, there is nothing but a lot of weeping and waiting and searching for someone or something that is worthy.
"I'm telling you there is none like the Lord Jesus. He is unique, He is different, He is special, He is precious, He is one-of-a kind. If you can get that then you can make progress. If you don't see that then you are arrested. Your spiritual growth comes to halt. That is the way God has so ordered the universe. Christ in the midst, Christ in the center, Christ above and beyond everything else, all things beginning, ending, and flowing through and around and for Him..."
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How great, how awesome is He? and together we sing!
Holy is the Lord God Almighty,
The earth is filled with your glory,
Holy is the Lord God Almighty,
The earth is filled with your glory,
the earth is filled with your glory..
Thank you Jesus for this new day,
bless all your children with the knowledge of your constant presence and imminent return.